Edit DAF investment portfolios on behalf of your clients.
By default, the balance of a Foundation Source donor-advised fund account is held in cash, and is free to use. This is ideal for short-term grantmaking. For private foundation clients looking to use a DAF as a complementary grantmaking tool, a Cash account is likely the best fit.
If your client is looking to invest, you will need to edit your client's investment allocation, which will automatically enroll them in a paid account.
Once your client claims their invitation to the Foundation Source DAF program, it is possible for you to update their Invested account portfolio.
To edit a Foundation Source DAF investment portfolio on behalf of a client:
Need help choosing a specific investment portfolio?
We recommend you review the available Charityvest DAF portfolio options here.
Support your client's interest in social venture investments and recoverable grants.
Your client may express interest in leveraging their donor-advised fund balance to:
Invest in / make loans to for-profit social ventures.
Make recoverable grants or loans to charities loans.
As their PCA, you can request to partner with Impact Foundation to offer impact investing to your client via the Foundation Source DAF giving program.
Impact Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that allows clients to recommend custom investments in their Impact Accounts (a donor-advised fund). Through January 2024, their donors/investors have deployed more than $525 Million for impact.
If you are interested in partnering to offer impact investing to your client:
Impact Foundation assesses fees on invested assets on an annual basis, which are deducted from your client's Impact Foundation donor-advised fund balance. Their minimum opening balance is $25,000.
$25,000 - $3M
85bps (0.85%)
$3M - $5M
65bps (0.65%)
$5M - $10M
40bps (0.40%)
30bps (0.30%)
Additionally, they charge a one-time 3% origination fee on the total value of each new investment (with a minimum origination fee of $1,000).
Details on the available Charityvest portfolio options with the Foundation Source DAF platform.
By default, the balance of a Foundation Source donor-advised fund account is held in cash, and is free to use. This is ideal for pass-through grantmaking. For private foundation clients looking to use a DAF as a complementary grantmaking tool, a Cash account is likely the best fit.
If your client is looking to invest their DAF balance, currently, you will need to edit your client's investment allocation, which will automatically enroll them in a paid account.
As a PCA, you can choose from prepopulated Charityvest investment portfolio options for your client's DAF account balance.
The main considerations for a DAF investment portfolio are:
Portfolio type: whether your clients are interested in optimizing their DAF investments for cost or values-alignment.
Risk level & time horizon: how their investments are allocated across bonds or equities, in accordance with their grantmaking schedule.
Is your client planning to grant a significant portion of their DAF balance to charity within 1 year?
If yes, a Cash account may be the preferred option.
The following six Charityvest portfolios are available for Foundation Source DAF clients. As a PCA, you can select an appropriate option on behalf of your client in accordance with their giving priorities.
Charityvest Conservative Portfolio
Relatively low risk
1-2 year grantmaking time horizon
Charityvest Balanced Portfolio
Medium risk
5 year grantmaking time horizon
Charityvest Growth Portfolio
Relatively higher risk
More than 5 year grantmaking time horizon
Charityvest Conservative Portfolio (Filtered)
Filtered (avoids exposure to companies in controversial industries).
Relatively low risk
1-2 year grantmaking time horizon
Charityvest Balanced Portfolio (Filtered)
Filtered (avoids exposure to companies in controversial industries).
Medium risk
5 year grantmaking time horizon
Charityvest Growth Portfolio (Filtered)
Filtered (avoids exposure to companies in controversial industries).
Relatively higher risk
More than 5 year grantmaking time horizon
The Foundation Source DAF program offers two investment portfolio options:
Standard Portfolio: built using Vanguard Select ETFs. These ETFs are selected by Vanguard’s Portfolio Review Department as ideal choices for portfolio building blocks because of their broad exposure to the indices they track, low expense ratios, and high daily liquidity. Learn more about Vanguard Select ETFs here.
Filtered Portfolio: offers similar diversification as the Standard portfolio, but provides an opportunity for donors to avoid exposure to companies who participate in what may be deemed objectionable or controversial industries, such as alcohol, gambling, adult entertainment, and predatory lending. The Filtered Portfolio includes ETFs from the BlackRock iShares Advanced ESG suite and broader Sustainable Spectrum product line, which offers comparable underlying indices as the Standard Portfolio, at a very modest expense ratio premium.
Not sure which portfolio type would be best suited for your client?
The main difference between the Standard Portfolio and the Filtered Portfolio is the investment cost (Standard is lower cost) and the selection of investments (Filtered avoids exposure to companies in controversial industries).
Here are the assets which make up each of the portfolio types, with expense ratios as of Feb 15, 2024 in parenthesis:
US Equities
Developed Market Equities
Emerging Market Equities
US Fixed Income
International Fixed Income
Ultra-Short Duration Fixed Income
The Foundation Source DAF program offers three possible allocations for each of the portfolio types:
Conservative: A bonds-focused allocation, appropriate for clients who plan to grant contributions to charity within a year or two.
Balanced: An allocation balanced between stocks and bonds, appropriate for clients who plan to grant contributions to charity within 5 years.
Growth: An equities-focused allocation, appropriate for clients who plan to grant contributions to charity over an extended period (more than 5 years).
US Equities
Developed Market Equities
Emerging Market Equities
US Fixed Income
International Fixed Income
Ultra-Short Duration Fixed Income
Not sure which risk level would be best suited for your client?
Choosing between the Conservative, Balanced, and Growth allocations should be based on the expected amount of time your client will maintain their DAF investment. The sooner your client intends to grant, the more conservative (bonds-focused) the allocation should be. If they plan to grant their balance within 1 year, a Cash account may be the best fit.
To view all available Charityvest portfolios via the Portfolios tab from your PCA admin Dashboard:
The Foundation Source DAF platform automates portfolio rebalancing for client DAFs.
With the Foundation Source DAF platform, client donor-advised fund investment portfolios are automatically rebalanced in two instances:
This means, as their PCA, you do not need to worry about actively monitoring the individual assets in a client's donor-advised fund account portfolio. You also do not need to manually raise cash to fund client grantmaking efforts.
Instead, you can focus on what matters - , selecting the that best serves your clients giving strategy, , and more.
Every time an action occurs on a client account, their account balance will automatically rebalance to ensure sufficient cash is available and their target allocation is met. This includes:
When a contribution is made or : when additional balance is added to a client's Invested account, the new funds will be used to purchase stocks that are underweight relative to the target allocation, bringing the portfolio more in line to target.
When you or your client : when you or your client requests one or more grant(s) to charity, investments are liquidated automatically to fund the grant(s) and ensure target allocation is maintained. The priority is to sell stocks that are overweight relative to target, so that each grant brings the fund closer toward its target allocation. If liquidation is in progress for one grant and your client makes an additional grant request, the rebalance activity will be adjusted to avoid unnecessary buy/sell transactions.
When are sent: when a client sends a portion of their balance via a virtual gift card, investments are liquidated automatically to fund the gift card amount and ensure target allocation is maintained. The priority is to sell stocks that are overweight relative to target.
If no activity has occurred over a period of 30 days on a client's account, there is still a chance that fluctuations in stock values have migrated your client's portfolio away from target. To accommodate this scenario, the account will automatically rebalance to bring it back in alignment with your desired allocations.
If preferred, clients may on impact investments as part of the Foundation Source DAF program offering.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Coming soon: option for clients to choose or modify their investment portfolios directly. At this time, your client cannot invest their DAF balance independently, though they can request to leverage impact investing.
Coming soon: option for clients to choose or modify their investment portfolios directly. At this time, your client cannot invest their DAF balance independently, though they can request to leverage impact investing.