Insight into how your client experiences their Foundation Source DAF Dashboard.
As a PCA, when you open a giving account on behalf of a client, your client will receive an invitation to complete their account setup and access their Dashboard.
Your client will experience a different Dashboard than you will with .
As a trusted stakeholder in their giving, it may be helpful to know what they will experience on their Dashboard so you can offer them guidance as they explore their account independently:
Does your client have questions about their Dashboard?
Your client is encouraged to visit the Charityvest Guidebook or contact Charityvest support via email: support@charityvest.org
Your client can view key information about their DAF account on their Dashboard, including:
Fund name: name of your client's giving fund, which defaults to [client first name's Charity Fund]. They can update this name in their Profile settings.
Fund balance: total invested or cash balance of your client's giving fund in USD.
Your client can take several quick actions from their account on their Dashboard, including:
Grant to charity: button that your client can click to search for their chosen charity to recommend a grant from their fund.
Set your giving goal: link to the giving goal tool, where your client can calculate and commit to give a percentage of pre-tax income.
Set up recurring contributions: link to configure a monthly contribution from a linked cash account.
Set up recurring grants: link to search for their chosen charity and configure the frequency of a recurring grant.
Search for charities: search bar at the top of the Dashboard where your client can search by charity name or EIN to find their information and recommend a grant.
By clicking on the left-hand menu bar, your client can navigate away from the main Dashboard to other pages available on their account, including:
Charities: search page where your client can enter charity name or EIN to find a given charity's information and recommend a grant. Your client can choose to click the heart icon next to a charity to favorite it for ease of access.
Community Funds: discovery page where your client can learn about values-aligned giving opportunities to support. Your client can click Request to lead a fund if they wish to create their own Community Fund.
Send a virtual gift card: submission form for your client to send virtual gift cards.
Coming soon: option for clients to edit their DAF investment allocations directly. At this time, your client cannot invest their DAF balance independently, though they can request to leverage impact investing.
By clicking on their name in the top-right hand corner of their Dashboard, your client can configure all of their account settings, including:
Profile: update their name, fund name, email address, physical address, and personal grant sharing preferences.
Connected accounts: details on existing debit / credit cards or bank accounts and options for your client to edit, remove, or add new linked accounts.
Security settings: option to update account password and configure two-factor authentication for added security.
Resources to share with your clients about setting giving goals.
A charitable giving goal is a specific amount your client can commit to giving over a specified calendar year. Research has shown that establishing philanthropic goals helps to encourage over 7% more in giving. Your client can hold themselves accountable and inspire others in their family or community by creating an achievable giving goal.
Once your client has accepted their invitation to the Foundation Source DAF giving program, they will be able to set up their own personal giving goal directly from their client .
As a trusted stakeholder in their giving, it may be helpful to know how clients can set up giving goals so you can offer them guidance as they concretize their commitment to give through your firm's DAF program independently:
Does your client have questions about setting up giving goals with their account?
Deciding how much to give is a personal, moral, and spiritual decision for your clients. Here are a few key considerations below:
The type of donor your client is today and how a giving goal can help them grow. Depending on where your client is on their purposeful giving journey, they can use giving goals to align with their philanthropic and financial circumstances.
Your client's desired giving legacy. Your client will want to understand their long-term motivations for giving and what it is they are trying to achieve over their lifetime. An annual giving goal will be a stepping stone to their longer-term aim.
Your client's desired tax strategy for giving. Your client's giving goals will also be influenced by their tax strategy for philanthropy.
Whether your client wants to give now or give later in life. It's important for your client to evaluate the financial and personal implications of choosing to give now, versus at a later stage in life.
Though giving is an intensely personal and purposeful decision, clients can leverage defined methods to simplify the decision and the fulfillment of their giving goal. Here are a few approaches to goal-setting:
Fixed amount: to pick a flat amount that sounds aspirational but attainable.
Percentage of income: to pick a percentage of pre-tax income.
Percentage of assets: for clients who have more assets than income, it can be much more powerful to set a giving goal around a percentage of their assets.
Financial finish line: giving 100% of a client's income and/or assets above some threshold.
Resources to share with your clients about investing from their giving account.
By default, the balance of a Foundation Source donor-advised fund account is held in cash, and is free to use. This is ideal for short-term grantmaking. For private foundation clients looking to use a DAF as a complementary grantmaking tool, a Cash account is likely the best fit.
If your client is looking to invest, you will need to , which will automatically enroll them in a paid account.
Additionally, if your client expresses interest, you can , or they can do so .
Does your client have questions about their investments in their DAF account?
Your client is encouraged to visit the or contact Charityvest support via email:
For clients, it is simple to initiate a conversation about impact investments independently.
Insight into how your client experiences a Foundation Source DAF account invite.
As a PCA, when you open a giving account on behalf of a client through the Foundation Source DAF giving program, your client will receive an invitation via email explaining the nature of the program and prompting them to complete their account setup.
We encourage you to discuss the prior to inviting them, to ensure they are prepared and enthusiastic about getting started.
As a trusted stakeholder in their giving, it may be helpful to know what they will receive as part of their account invitation so you can offer them guidance as they first experience their giving account independently.
Depending on how your client discovers your firm's custom giving program, they will experience slightly different account invitations:
Once your client accepts their account invitation, they will be invited to establish their login credentials and access their to enjoy the benefits of their giving account.
Does your client have questions about their account invitation?
Your client is encouraged to visit the or contact Charityvest support via email:
Your client will receive:
An invitation email from Charityvest (info@notifications.charityvest.org). If they are not able to locate the email, it may have ended up in their Junk folder.
The Accept my account button prompt located in the body of the email, which they can click to proceed.
Foundation Source DAF program details, including your name as their PCA and terms of the account.
Once your client approves that their information is accurate and the terms are agreeable, they will be welcomed to your firm's custom giving program.
Your client will see:
Let's start with some basic information website form prompt, where they can enter their personal details. When complete, they can click Continue.
First we need to verify your email website form prompt, where they will be invited to enter a verification code once they receive it via email from Charityvest (info@notifications.charityvest.org).
Your firm's giving program details, including your name as their PCA and terms of the account.
Once your client approves that their information is accurate and the terms are agreeable, they will be welcomed to your firm's DAF program.
Much like clients you invite from your Dashboard, they will receive:
An invitation email from Charityvest (info@notifications.charityvest.org). If they are not able to locate the email, it may have ended up in their Junk folder.
The Foundation Source DAF giving program details, including your name as their advisor and terms of the account.
Once they accept this request, you will be able to view and manage their profile from your PCA admin account.
Resources to share with your clients about making contributions to their DAF account.
Once your client has accepted their invitation to your firm's DAF program, they are free to make contributions to their giving account directly.
As a PCA, you can assist your client to complete the following types of contribution:
Clients can also make the following contributions independently:
With a linked bank or debit/credit card, clients have the option to .
Does your client have questions about making an independent contribution to their DAF account?
Your client is encouraged to visit the or contact Charityvest support via email:
Contributions made before 5:00 p.m. EST will become available in your client's giving account balance on the following business day. Additional time may be required for newly linked bank accounts.
Note: The Foundation Source DAF platform limits client linked bank contributions to $25,000 per week. This limit resets every Sunday. If your client would like to extend their limit to $100,000 per transaction, they can provide basic personal information in-app to verify their account.
Successful contributions made via credit and debit card post instantly to your client's giving account balance, and are immediately available for grants.
Charityvest partners with Stripe to accept a wide variety of credit and debit card brands, both U.S. and international. Stripe offers reduced fees on credit and debit card processing:
2.2% and $0.30 on all U.S. cards, except American Express
3.5% and $0.00 on U.S. American Express cards
3.2% and $0.30 on international cards
When your client makes a contribution to their giving account using a card, they will be asked to enter the amount they would like to contribute to their fund. This is the amount that will be available for giving after the transaction.
Based on the card type they choose, we will calculate the fee to be charged by Stripe, and determine a total amount that will be charged to their card. This amount will be greater than the amount available for giving.
The full value of the amount charged to their card (i.e., amount available for giving, plus processing fee) is considered a tax-deductible gift and will be reflected on their annual tax statement.
For clients, it is a seamless process to donate cryptocurrency to their giving account independently. Cryptocurrency donations offer many of the benefits of long-term publicly traded stock giving, with the speed and certainty of the blockchain.
For cryptocurrency, Charityvest furnishes the mid-market price of the asset on the exchange received at the time the exchange considers the transaction successfully confirmed on the blockchain.
Ultimately, it is your client's responsibility as the taxpayer to accurately represent and claim a tax deduction on their income taxes; all information provided is for convenience only.
For clients, it can be easy to move some or all of their existing donor-advised fund assets to their account within your firm's giving program.
Your clients may wish to contribute cash via wire transfer to their account within your firm's giving program.
Your clients may wish to contribute cash via paper check to their account within your firm's giving program.
Your clients may wish to independently contribute a variety of complex assets to their account within the your firm's giving program, including:
Private / Pre-IPO Stock
LLC and Limited Partnership interests
Private Equity, Hedge Fund, and Venture Capital Fund interests
Real Estate
Life Insurance
Retirement assets
As early as practical, request an introduction. Your client may request an introduction to Charitable Solutions via their giving account. They will need to fill in any available details regarding the possible donation.
Receive consultation on gift process, timing, and fees. Charitable Solutions will cover the process and potential transaction with your client including a timeline and gift processing fees. There is no cost or obligation to receive this consultation.
Charitable Solutions receives and liquidates the donation, transferring proceeds to the client's account. Once the asset is sold, the proceeds will be posted to your client’s giving account, net of processing fees, and will be available for granting. Charitable Solutions will provide gift acknowledgment to substantiate the donation for tax purposes.
Charitable Solutions assesses an industry-standard fee for service of 1-3% on complex asset donations, with a minimum fee of $10,000. There is no cost or obligation to receive the initial consultation.
We recommend that your client completes the contribution request form for complex assets as early as possible, once they have determined that they are reasonably likely to initiate a contribution.
Your clients may by employed by a company that offers a charitable matching program, in which case they may be eligible to have their grantmaking matched by their employer.
Generally, companies either match their employee donations to their donor-advised fund account, or their employee's grant from their DAF once it is approved and sent - but not both.
Resources to share with your clients about making grants from their giving account.
Once your client has accepted their invitation to their account through your firm's giving platform, they are free to make grants from their account directly.
As a PCA, you can:
to share with your clients.
Keep your clients informed by .
Encourage your clients to establish a legacy of giving alongside their .
Partner with vetted to offer structured guidance on your clients' charitable vision and grantmaking strategy.
Initiate the process for your clients wishing to make cross-border gifts.
You are a trusted stakeholder in their giving experience, so clients may lean on you for guidance and resources with respect to their grantmaking efforts. It may be helpful to have awareness of the following account processes so you can best support your client as they independently make grant recommendations:
Does your client have questions about making a grant from their DAF?
If your client's preferred charity is recognized as a 501c3 organization by the IRS, there's a good chance they are already available in the Foundation Source DAF charity database. Here is some advice you can pass along to your client on how to locate a charity they wish to grant to via their giving account:
Searching by EIN is the most reliable way to locate a charity. Most organizations include their EIN via their website.
If your client is not able to locate the charity's EIN, they can search by the organization's legal name (or common name, if the charity has provided us with a name they are best known by).
To narrow down the search results:
Your client can filter by State.
Your client can check the address listed on the charity profile to confirm the organization's payment address is what they expect to see.
If available, your client can visit the URL listed in the charity profile to double check they have the correct match.
Is your client having trouble locating their place of worship on the Foundation Source DAF platform?
For clients that make a grant to a 501c3 charity from their giving account, we send grants to charities daily via PayPal and weekly via check, after we review each grant for compliance with IRS Code.
Has your client requested an update on the status of their grant?
For clients making a grant from their giving account, the default designation on grants is "Wherever needed most". However, your clients may prefer to direct their gift for a specific purpose, in which case, we recommend selecting a relevant Purpose label to help communicate their intent to the recipient charity, along with an optional personal note. Here is our selection of grant designation options:
Wherever needed most: Default purpose statement, which offers charities the flexibility to use grant funding as needed.
Pledge: Non-binding giving commitment. Your client must certify that the grant will not be used to fulfill any legally binding obligation to the charity.
Charity event: Charitable event they wish to support. Your client must certify that the grant does not cover any portion of the cost of attendance, sponsorship, or participation.
Run/walk/fundraiser sponsorship: Fundraiser they wish to support on behalf of a charity. Your client can include event information, and must certify that the grant will not be used to satisfy any legally binding fundraising goals for the client or a relative.
Membership: Charitable membership they wish to fund. Your client must certify that none of the benefits from this membership would cause it to be less than 100% tax-deductible.
Scholarship: Scholarship they wish to fund. Your client must certify that the client and their relatives will not have decisive control in selecting scholarship recipients.
Missionary or child/family sponsorship: Missionary or child/family they wish to sponsor. Your client must certify that they are not supporting themself or a relative through the grant, and that the charity will maintain full discretion over the use of funds.
Religious offering: Gift dedicated to their religious institution as part of your client's belief system.
All grants are subject to review by Charityvest. This is a simplified take on the IRS Code, but the IRS requires that grants made through a Foundation Source-branded donor-advised fund comply with three major rules:
No direct private benefits
No control over the grant recipient
No binding pledges or commitments
With their giving account, clients have the option to schedule grants at the following intervals:
Once, on a future date
Along with the ability to customize the start and end dates of the grants.
Recurring grants are funded by their giving account balance. If their account has an adequate balance to fund recurring grants, it will automatically deduct funds from their account and send the scheduled grants. When a recurring grant is requested by a client with an Invested account, the invested assets are automatically liquidated and rebalanced to target.
Clients that are looking for structured guidance as they design their philanthropic plan can request to partner with Charityvest certified philanthropic advisors.
Philanthropic advisory helps clients maximize their charitable impact through expert guidance on strategic giving, such as identifying preferred causes, evaluating nonprofits, and planning donations. It ensures your client's grantmaking aligns with their values, resulting in more meaningful contributions to society that help your client maintain the motivation for giving over time.
If your client chooses to partner with a philanthropic advisor, they will benefit from:
Philanthropic expertise & research. Each of Charityvest's vetted philanthropic advisory partners has years of experience and access to research tools that inform their work, which can help accelerate your client's philanthropic education and inspire them to action.
Charitable giving strategy: Any of Charityvest's vetted philanthropic advisory teams can offer your client guidance on how to shape their giving strategy, from setting a mission statement, to selecting values-aligned causes, to deploying charitable capital.
Greater impact: Any of Charityvest's vetted philanthropic advisory teams can help your client evaluate the social impact of their giving over time.
Your client's donor-advised fund makes it easy to work with a philanthropic advisor. Your clients can use their giving account to:
Cover any philanthropic advisory fees via their account balance.
Execute on their giving strategy with legacy planning and collaborative giving tools.
Make grants to recommended charities with grant scheduling and tracking tools.
Philanthropic advisory is generally a good fit for clients that plan to give a minimum of $10,000 per year. Each of our vetted philanthropic advisory partners has a distinct client focus:
Does your client already have a philanthropic advisor?
If your client wishes to support a charity that operates outside of the U.S., there are several ways to do so with their giving account through your firm's giving platform:
If the charity has a U.S.-based entity or fiscal sponsor, your client can recommend a grant from their giving account to that organization and designate the gift for the international branch.
TrustBridge is a foundation with collaborative relationships around the world, enabling them to professionally manage and deploy charitable giving internationally. With TrustBridge, your clients can feel confident knowing that their gift will be delivered safely and efficiently.
TrustBridge Global performs due diligence to make your client's charity eligible. TrustBridge will work with your client's charity to complete a streamlined application, ensuring that the organization is properly vetted and able to receive your client's gift while preserving tax deductibility.
While there are no minimums for international grants, a total grant value of >$5,000 is typically the best fit, given the associated costs.
Depending on the charity, partnering with TrustBridge Global to initiate an international grant may include the following fees:
$150 for an annual charity certification (if needed).
1% fee per grant assessment (minimum fee amount: $300).
$25 per grant for wire transfer to charity.
Investment status: indication of whether the account is .
Your advisor: your PCA , name, and email.
Recent activity: transaction ledger of most recent independent or contributions, grants, gift cards, and if applicable. Your client can click on an individual transaction for more detailed information.
Contribute to fund: button that your client can click to make independent contributions of cash or cryptocurrency, and instructions on how they can get support for .
Activity: full transaction ledger of independent or contributions, grants, gift cards, and if applicable. Your client can click on an individual transaction for more detailed information. They can also filter by date range, activity type, and organization name. If preferred, they can export their results to a CSV file as needed.
Investing: details on your client's account portfolio, along with historical performance and asset allocations.
Statements: list of downloadable annual tax statements. You can also assist your client in .
Your client is encouraged to visit the or contact Charityvest support via email:
For clients, it's easy to create and share their giving goal on your firm's giving platform. To configure their giving goal, they can follow the .
To get started with impact investing, your client can follow the .
When you , an invitation will be sent to the client email you provided. You have the option to preview the email prior to sending.
When your client , your client will receive a verification email, after they enter their details in a sign-up website form.
It is possible that your client has an existing Charityvest donor-advised fund account. If so, you can , instantly.
For clients, it is simple and free-free to donate cash to their giving account independently from a linked bank account. To complete a bank account contribution, they can follow the .
For clients, it is convenient, secure, and instant to donate cash to their giving account independently from a linked credit or debit card. It may also earn them some valuable rewards points. To complete a credit or debit contribution, they can follow the .
To complete a cryptocurrency contribution, they can follow the .
For more detail, you can direct your client to the .
To complete a DAF transfer independently, they can follow the .
To complete a wire transfer contribution independently, they can follow the .
To complete a wire transfer contribution independently, they can follow the
For specialized donations, Charityvest partners with a purpose-built complex gift acceptance firm to receive, report, custody, liquidate, and distribute proceeds for such assets. has nearly two decades of experience and has processed nearly $4.5 billion in non-cash gifts from individual donors into their donor-advised funds at various sponsors.
To initiate a complex asset contribution independently, they can follow the .
To learn more about how to submit for a company match independently, they can follow the .
If your client wishes to make a monthly commitment to set money aside for charitable giving, a recurring contribution via linked bank or debit/credit card can help them achieve their , automatically.
To set up a recurring monthly contribution, they can follow the
Your client is encouraged to visit the or contact Charityvest support via email:
For clients, it is simple and fee-free to recommend a grant to charity via their account through your firm's custom giving program. To recommend a grant to any of the 1.4 million+ eligible 501c3 charities, they can follow the .
To learn more about finding a specific charity, your client can read
Places of worship are not automatically included in the IRS's list of eligible, so it is necessary to enroll your client's place of worship if they are not in our database already. Please invite your client to share with their place of worship so that they can submit the required information for enrollment.
For clients that recommend a one-time or to a 501c3 charity from their giving account, the default is to deduct from their existing balance and cover the grant amount.
When a grant is requested by a client with an account, the invested assets are automatically liquidated as needed and rebalanced to achieve their target portfolio.
To learn more about how grants are funded, your client can review more .
Charities will receive grants via or USPS First Class mail within a few business days of our approval.
To track the status of a grant, your client can follow the .
As an advisor, you can also track the status of a client grant by following these .
: Program within a charity. Your client must certify the grant is entirely for charitable purposes.
Other purpose: Any other purpose, such as a , which they can describe in the personal note section. Your client must certify the grant is entirely for charitable purposes.
To set a specific grant designation, your clients can follow the .
To learn more about Charityvest grant approval policies, your client can review .
For clients who are considering an ongoing commitment to support their preferred charities, a recurring grant can help them achieve their .
To configure a future and/or recurring grant, your client can follow the.
Your client's giving account makes it easy to work with any philanthropic advisor. Your client can contact us at for more information.
To work with a philanthropic advisor, your client can follow the
If the charity does not have a tax-deductible U.S. donation process, Charityvest has partnered with to facilitate international grantmaking for a fee.
Your client can recommend an international charity to the TrustBridge Global network. Your client can submit the recommendation form to add their charity to TrustBridge. If the charity is not one of the already vetted by TrustBridge, there will be a $150 assessment to initiate due diligence for charity certification, which may be paid from your client's DAF.
Your client can make a grant from their giving account to TrustBridge Global. Upon confirming charity eligibility, your client will need to recommend a grant to (EIN 84-3754469). They will need to include the charity name in the grant “Purpose” field. Once received, TrustBridge will deliver the funds to the charity, less an assessment of $300 or 1% of the grant amount, whichever is greater.
To make international grants via TrustBridge, your client can follow the .
Faith-based (Christian)
~$150k-$5M per year
~$10k-$1M per year
Faith-based (Christian)
~$10k-$1M per year
For purpose-driven leaders and organizations across sectors
Project-based scopes to 6-12-month partnerships
Resources to share with your clients about creating Community Funds via their giving account.
Community Funds are "social DAFs". They are collective giving tools available on the Foundation Source DAF giving platform to enable clients to pool charitable capital for greater impact via a custom-branded webpage.
Your client can contribute to existing Community Funds or create their own Community Fund as a fund manager.
It may be helpful to have awareness of how Community Funds work so you can best support your client as they consider collaborative giving opportunities:
Is your client interested in leading a community fund? Invite them to fill out this request form and our team will contact them to begin the process.
For clients, Community Funds are a fantastic way to mobilize their community with a tax-deductible fund to seamlessly pool charitable capital and make grants to public charities.
Your clients may be inspired to leverage Community Funds to:
Lead expert grantmaking. Your client can share their expertise for impact with a fund and invite others to back their grantmaking leadership.
Create a donor collaborative. Your client can pool money with other strategic donors to amplify their philanthropic efforts under a different brand or collaborate on grantmaking decision-making.
Influence for impact. If your client has a public audience, they can mobilize their community for good with a custom-branded giving fund.
Inspire their workplaces. If your client leads a company, they can inspire their teams to give together in a fund for a particular cause.
Make meaning amongst groups of friends. Your client can invite friends, family, and community to come together around giving without the admin hassle or awkwardness. Can be as private or public as they'd like.
Commemorate memorials & weddings. Your client can honor and celebrate loved ones at key milestones with a charitable fund others can contribute to.
For more detail on Community Funds, your client can read the information provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Community Funds on your firm's giving platform include a host of features that help unlock social giving for your clients, such as:
Branded webpage: Community Funds are hosted on Unlisted or Public shareable webpages to collect donations and make grants to charity. This page includes an overview of the fund, key statistics, recipient charities, public supporters, and transaction activity.
Guest checkout: options for donors to make their gifts via their account under your firm's giving program, a Charityvest account, or as a guest via credit / debit card.
Complex asset donations: support for stock, crypto, and other complex asset donations via their account under your firm's giving program or their Charityvest account.
Tax receipts: automated tax receipting for any donation made to the fund.
For more detail on Community Fund features, your client can read the information provided in the Charityvest public guide.
For clients, Community Funds were designed to be a simple and seamless way to pool charitable capital via a custom-branded webpage.
Charityvest will work with your client 1:1 to create their first fund. Here are the steps to bring their fund to life:
Agree to our Community Fund policies.
Set their preferences for privacy, fees, and more.
Design their fund with a name, tagline, keywords, images, rich text, links, and FAQs.
To learn more about Community Fund setup, your client can follow the instructions provided in the Charityvest public guide.
There are currently two main options for privacy on Community Funds:
Unlisted: An unlisted webpage that can be selectively shared with a link. We recommend unlisted funds for closed communities.
Public: A searchable, public webpage that any Charityvest account holder will be able to see and contribute to. We recommend public funds for fund managers looking for external support.
To learn more about Community Fund privacy settings, your client can follow the instructions provided in the Charityvest public guide.
To promote a Community Fund, your client can copy the link to their unique webpage or, if the fund is Public, share via social media.
Anyone that has the link to a Community Fund can make a donation, provided the fund settings are configured to Accept contributions. It is possible for your client, other clients participating in your firm's custom giving program, Charityvest users, or guests to donate to a Community Fund.
Donations to a Community Fund are seamless for your clients or Charityvest account holders. The donation checkout flow is similar to the charity grantmaking experience, made via a linked account or existing balance. This transaction will be reflected in the donor's Activity history.
How Community Fund donations from your firm's giving platform or Charityvest accounts differ from grants to charity:
Donations to Community Funds are instant and not reversible.
There is no option to designate donations to Community Funds.
To learn more about donating to a Community Fund from an existing account under the Foundation Source DAF giving program or a Charityvest account, your client can follow the instructions provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Guest donations are possible via credit card or debit card. There are three main ways a guest can make a donation on your client's Community Fund:
One-time card contributions: Guest donors can enter their credit/debit card information and submit their gift instantly. A tax receipt will be emailed to them at the time of donation.
Recurring card contributions: If a guest wishes to make a recurring gift to a Community Fund, they will need to agree to create a Charityvest account to complete the donation checkout process. This allows the donor to manage their recurring gift should they need to make any changes in the future. By claiming their Charityvest account, donors will be able to view, edit, or cancel their recurring gift. They will receive a Welcome email immediately following their donation checkout to complete their account registration.
Other methods of giving: If a donor wishes to donate to a client Community Fund via other giving method, and does not currently have an account under your firm's giving program, or a Charityvest account, it takes seconds for them to get set up and contribute via:
DAF transfer
ACH or wire transfer
Stock or cryptocurrency
Company match
For more information on guest donations to a Community Fund, your client can follow the instructions provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Clients who create a Community Fund will have the ability to make grantmaking decisions on behalf of their fund.
Your client can select one or more of the 1.4 million+ eligible 501c3 charities as grant recipients for their Community Fund. They can distribute any portion of the balance of their fund at their discretion, by following the instructions provided in the Charityvest public guide.
There are currently two main options for pricing on Community Funds:
Allow optional gifts to Charityvest: tip-based pricing model, where all donors will be asked to make an additional contribution to Charityvest during the checkout process. We recommend this option for fund managers that prioritize minimal overhead, as the default donation amount is 0%. It is entirely up to the donor if they wish to add a tip.
Quarterly 1% fee on grants: percentage-based pricing model, where, on a quarterly basis, we will assess a fee of 1% of the total value of grants made to charity, which will be deducted from the Community Fund balance. We recommend this option for clients who prefer to communicate a consistent fee structure to their supporters, and wish to avoid the "ask" at the end of the donation process for donors.
For more detail on Community Fund fees, your client can read the information provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Resources to share with your clients about philanthropic services available through your giving program.
Charityvest has partnered with best-in-class philanthropic service providers to enhance the capabilities of your client's donor-advised fund to support their giving at every stage of their philanthropic journey.
Once your client has accepted their invitation to the Foundation Source DAF program, they are free to request philanthropic services directly.
As a PCA, you can with the following philanthropic service providers:
Clients can also express interest in philanthropic service partners independently:
Complex asset donations: Charitable Solutions can help your clients maximize their charitable tax benefits and navigate the illiquid asset contribution process, which includes donations of real estate, business interests, restricted or privately-held stock, and other assets.
Philanthropic advisory: Calvin Edwards & Company, GiveTeam, Raise for Good, or SimpleCharity can serve alongside your team to help your clients craft a vision for their generosity and identify impactful opportunities that align with their giving goals.
International grantmaking: TrustBridge Global can support your clients as they use their DAF to support organizations around the world with tax-deductible international grantmaking.
Impact investing: Impact Foundation can enable your clients to use their DAF balance to make investments in loans to for-profit ventures for social good, or to make recoverable grants and loans to charities.
Resources to share with your clients about sending virtual Charityvest gift cards.
Once your client has accepted their invitation to their giving account under the Foundation Source DAF program, they can share the gift of generosity with others via virtual gift cards.
As a PCA, you currently cannot send gift cards on behalf of your clients. However, as a trusted stakeholder in their giving experience, clients may ask for advice on how to use this feature.
It may be helpful to have awareness of how virtual gift cards work so you can best support your client as they act independently:
Does your client have questions about sending gift cards from their giving account?
Your client is encouraged to visit the Charityvest Guidebook or contact Charityvest support via email: support@charityvest.org
Your client can use the virtual gift card feature to:
Seed charitable giving accounts for children, employees, or others they influence.
Send employees, friends, and colleagues a simple appreciation gift. Clients can share a gift card to let someone know they appreciate and support them on holidays, birthdays, milestones, and anniversaries.
Appreciate business prospects without violating gift acceptance policies. There’s no monetary value with directing money to a charity within the platform, so it doesn't violate gift acceptance policies at any dollar amount.
Is your client looking to transfer charitable money between accounts? Your client can also use the charity gift card feature as a simple way to send funds between giving accounts under the Foundation Source DAF program or Charityvest.
For more detail on virtual gift cards, your client can read the information provided in the Charityvest public guide.
For clients, it is easy to send a virtual gift card to anyone via their DAF.
Your client's intended recipient does not need an account under the Foundation Source DAF program or Charityvest. Virtual gift card recipients will receive an email with instructions to claim their gift card. If they already have an account under the Foundation Source DAF giving program or Charityvest, the gift amount will be automatically added to their balance. Otherwise, they will be invited to create a new Charityvest account.
To send a gift card to any one or more email addresses, they can follow the instructions provided in the Charityvest public guide.
After seven days, our system will automatically remind gift recipients to accept the gift if they haven't already done so.
If your client's gift is not accepted within 10 days, the value of the gift card will be automatically returned to their account. They can send a new gift card to the same recipient or use the funds in a different way.
For more detail on unclaimed virtual gift cards, your client can read the information provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Resources to share with your clients about beneficiaries and estate planning.
Once your client has accepted their invitation to your firm's giving program, they can establish a giving legacy by naming beneficiaries on their donor-advised fund account.
As a PCA, you currently cannot set up beneficiaries on behalf of your clients. However, as a trusted stakeholder in their giving experience, clients may ask for advice on how to use this feature.
It may be helpful to have awareness of how the Beneficiaries tool works so you can best support your client as they act independently:
Does your client have questions about setting up Beneficiaries in their giving account?
Your client is encouraged to visit the Charityvest Guidebook or contact Charityvest support via email: support@charityvest.org
Charity beneficiaries and personal successors can receive or manage portions of your client's giving account, continuing their legacy of giving beyond their lifetime.
Beneficiaries can be a mix of individuals who will receive a transfer of charitable assets to a donor-advised fund account in their name and charities who will receive grants for the causes your client specifies.
For more detail on beneficiaries, your client can read the information provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Clients can nominate beneficiaries to their giving account and designate:
Which individuals and/or charities will be beneficiaries of their giving account.
What percentage of their total fund value they would like to allocate to each beneficiary.
To set up beneficiaries on their DAF, they can follow the instructions provided in the Charityvest public guide.
At the time of your client's passing, Charityvest will review their beneficiary profile to coordinate a DAF transfer to their chosen individuals and/or grants to their pre-populated charities.
If their preference is to disburse their account balance over a period of time, they can add special instructions to their beneficiary profile accordingly.
To add disbursement frequency instructions to a beneficiary, your client can follow the instructions provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Some clients may choose to ensure further charitable intent in their estate planning documents, such as a last will or trust, by including a written bequest to their donor-advised fund account. Bequests are the most frequent type of planned gift made to charity. Your client's estate receives a charitable deduction for the full amount given, so your client's heirs pay no estate tax on the gift.
For more detail on other legacy planning opportunities, your client can read the information provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Resources to share with your clients about DAF tax statements.
Once your client has accepted their invitation to their account under the Foundation Source giving program, they will receive automated annual tax statements in their account.
As an advisor, you can on behalf of your clients.
It may be helpful to have awareness of how giving account tax statements work so you can best support your client as they seek to understand their tax information:
Charityvest does not provide tax advice. While Charityvest seeks to be as helpful as possible, accurately establishing and reporting charitable contributions to IRS is the taxpayer's responsibility.
For clients, a donor-advised fund is highly beneficial from a tax and financial planning perspective, as it offers:
Unified tax receipt: a single tax receipt each January summarizing your client's prior year's giving. If your client donates stock or cryptocurrency, we also provide them with a pre-filled IRS Form 8283 to substantiate those gifts.
Immediate income tax deduction: contributions are immediately tax-deductible.
No capital gains taxes on asset gifts: when your client gifts long-term appreciated assets such as stock and cryptocurrency to their giving account, they receive an acknowledgment of the full fair market value of their gift. And because Charityvest, Inc. is tax-exempt, we incur no capital gains tax on the sale of the asset, retaining the full value for charitable purposes.
Tax-free appreciation: if you invest your client's giving account balance, all market growth and dividends occur tax-free inside of their giving account.
No estate taxes: since your client's giving account is owned and maintained by Charityvest, Inc., it is not considered a part of their estate and is therefore not subject to estate taxes.
To learn more about the tax benefits of leveraging the Foundation Source DAF program, your client can read detailed information provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Your client's donations are made to Charityvest, Inc., a Georgia Nonprofit Corporation recognized by the IRS as a tax-deductible public charity under Internal Revenue Code §501(c)(3), EIN 81-2771871.
A client contribution to their donor-advised fund is an irrevocable charitable gift to Charityvest, Inc., which provides them with the privilege to advise how their gift is used.
Because of the irrevocable legal nature of their gift, Charityvest provides them with a receipt showing that they made a charitable contribution (or that a contribution was made on their behalf with help from their PCA). This receipt includes:
Contribution date: date that the contribution was received according to IRS standards.
Contribution type: whether it was cash, stock, or another asset.
Contribution amount: the total value added to a client's giving account balance.
Estimated tax-deductible value: an estimate of the tax-deductible amount of the contribution. This may vary from the contribution amount, depending on the contribution type.
Only contributions are tax-deductible. Clients aren't eligible for additional deductions when they recommend a grant to charity, or if they transfer funds from an existing donor-advised fund or private foundation to their giving account.
To learn more about what is included in annual tax statements for a Foundation Source donor-advised, your client can read detailed information provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Transferring a client DAF to the Foundation Source DAF giving platform?
DAF transfers are not new charitable contributions, and are therefore not considered tax-deductible. When your client's DAF transfer is processed, it will automatically be marked as not tax-deductible and it will not appear on their year-end tax statement.
To access their annual tax statements independently, clients can follow the instructions provided in the Charityvest public guide.
Has your client received a tax statement from a charity for a gift they made via their giving account?
Not all charities are familiar with tax receipting in relation to DAFs, which can mean that your client may receive a tax receipt from a charity if they included their contact details on their giving account grant recommendation.
If your client does receive a tax receipt from a charity in error, they may inform them of their relationship with the Foundation Source DAF giving program to avoid future duplication.
In general, a charitable contribution’s value is based on the type of asset donated and the date of contribution, which ordinarily is the date when the asset is transferred to Charityvest and unconditionally removed from the donor’s control. Gift value for the donor’s tax purposes is determined on the date of the gift, and is not related to the value the charity receives upon selling the property.
For publicly traded securities, the value we report is the average of the high and low quotation on the date the gift is received. This value may not be accurate for your client's tax situation (e.g., if the shares were not long-term basis).
For cryptocurrency, the value reported is the mid-market price reported by Coinbase at the time Coinbase recognizes the transaction on the blockchain, based on their internal policies for minimum confirmations per asset. While Charityvest anticipates the IRS is likely to clarify rules around cryptocurrency donations soon, donors are still required to obtain such an appraisal related to gifts of cryptocurrency in excess of $5,000.
Charityvest provides three acknowledgment items for gifts of stock, plus a fourth for cryptocurrency:
E-mail acknowledgment. When we receive your gift and post it to your client's giving account, they will receive an email containing the details of their gift.
Unified annual statement. The details of their gift will be included on their annual statement, sent each January.
Form 8283. Form 8283 is an IRS tax form used to substantiate non-cash charitable contributions, like stock and cryptocurrency. Individuals, partnerships, and corporations use IRS Form 8283 to report information to the IRS about noncash charitable contributions when the amount of their contribution for all noncash gifts is more than $500. For donors whose previous year noncash charitable contributions exceed $500, we provide a blank IRS Form 8283 as a courtesy to our donors, along with the necessary information to complete the Form, excluding cost basis information, which is not furnished to us at the time of transfer. Cost basis information can be obtained with your help as their advisor, by logging into their brokerage account and reviewing positions and holdings activity.
Form 8282. For cryptocurrency donors only. Form 8282 (Donee Information Return) provides details regarding the disposition (i.e., sale) of their cryptocurrency asset following their gift. We furnish Form 8282 to both the donor, and to IRS.
To learn more about acknowledgements related to stock, ETF, and crypto donations to the Foundation Source donor-advised fund platform, your client can read detailed information provided in the Charityvest public guide.
It is simple for clients to access their DAF annual tax statements and download them for tax purposes. As a PCA, you can also on their behalf.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Curious to learn more about the Foundation Source DAF program? Contact support@charityvest.org for any program or product-related matters.
Coming soon: option for clients to choose or modify their investment portfolios directly. At this time, your client cannot invest their DAF balance independently, though they can request to leverage impact investing.